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Looking to advance your career in project management, cybersecurity, or analytics? Harrisburg University is making its top-ranked accredited graduate programs available in Latin America.

Whether you want to change careers or advance in your current one, these graduate programs give you the knowledge you need to move forward.

You’ll be taught by internationally recognized professors with both strong academic credentials and invaluable real-world experience. Professors will advise and support you as you undertake advanced research projects.


Harrisburg University’s graduate programs are hybrid, so students take weekly classes online and meet occasionally on a Saturday during a semester. If you attend full-time, you can earn a master’s degree in two years and be ready to take the next step in your career. Plus, scholarships are offered!

Time is especially precious for adults with jobs and families. You want a graduate program that is flexible enough that you don’t need to change your life, job or residence, but still provides the full, rich experience that is a big part of higher education.

Harrisburg University’s executive hybrid graduate program in Panama is the perfect solution. By attending class once a semester at the City of Knowledge, you gain rich networking opportunities and one-on-one attention that bolster your studies. Then, by taking an online course during the week, you move your degree program forward at a pace so that you can complete your master’s within two years or your Ph.D. within four years.

One of the best aspects of the Harrisburg graduate programs in Panama is that you don’t have to come to the United States, yet you’ll earn a fully accredited U.S. graduate degree.

Through the Harrisburg graduate program in Panama, you’ll make a wide range of professional contacts. These are connections that could become true assets to your future. You’ll study alongside entrepreneurs, scientists, community leaders, as well as experts from government, NGOs, and international organizations. By building your professional network during your degree program, you create a valuable resource you can call upon throughout your career.

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All full-time students who enroll in six credits (two courses) will automatically receive a tuition scholarship of $1500 per semester. Ten students will be considered for 50 percent off the total tuition.

Fifteen students from Panama, Ecuador, and Colombia will receive a full-tuition scholarship. Scholarships are based on your resume and previous academic achievements. All student applications are reviewed for scholarships.

You can apply online to enter the HU graduate program in our Panama location. It’s easy – your admissions counselor will work with you and answer all your questions. Simply send us your contact details in the form above to start the process today.